Carin Olwagen has been in private practice since 2008 and is focused on “A multidisciplinary approach in steering people to wholeness” – BSS WHOLENESS CENTRE George, Western Cape. She has completed her MBA in Psychology with a specialized focus area which is: Integrating psychology and spirituality to open up discussion on spiritual identity and its effects on the whole person in a counselling context. She is currently busy with her doctorate in psychology (general).

She has experience in dealing with a variety of problems as well as mental health issues and was also an affiliate for various Employee Wellness companies in the past, acting as telephonic counsellor, was a platinum affiliate in seeing client’s face2face, as well as having experience in mentoring other counsellors as a Senior Clinician.

Currently she is affiliated with various EWP (Employee wellness programs).

She works full time for the Department of Health and Wellness and received employment as one of the first Registered Psychological Counsellors providing mental healthcare services in the primary healthcare clinics in Mosselbay district. Her private practice is on weekends in George, Heather Park.

The other service of the practice includes psychological assessment tests for career decision-making for teenagers (including career choices) and adults.

A battery of tests are administered (multiple choice) together with the counselling. The tests measure Career maturity, Personality, Values, Interests and Intelligence.

All these are important aspects to consider when searching for a career that is a best fit for the client. It takes all these dimensions into consideration in seeing confirmations and blind spots opening up for the client, in terms of possible careers to follow.

The client is part of the process as they research the confirming careers after the tests to make an informed and quality decision. The counselling assists in the process to see what problems may have a negative effect on the client’s decision making process eg low self-esteem etc. Positive outcomes are then seen which has a positive effect on the client’s view of themselves and the career as a calling and not just a work.

The career assessment takes 5 sessions (1 session per test) for 4 tests and a feedback session with a report. Intelligence tests may be done by referral on request and the report is then evaluated with the other tests for an outcome.

Teenagers having to undergo decision making regarding subject choices can use the career tests as a guide to makeinformed decisions regarding the subject choices that will keep their options open for the relevant careers they fit.

The service is available individually/groups of learners ages 14 years to 18 years old and young adults.

 Face2face sessions or online via e-mail. 

Cash or medical aid rates.